How to stay FIT during lockdown

Having trouble finding the sweet spot of how much exercise to do during the lockdown?

You are not alone! 

The lockdown has given people plenty of time to start exercising. 

We have spoken too many people who are now starting to feel new niggles, a bit of pain all from overuse issues. Many have jumped in with both feet but have struggled to find the "right" routine.

This week's #coachingconversation focuses on “How much exercise should you do in the lockdown?”

Watch or listen here -

In the video we cover…

How much exercise should you be doing?

The answer can always be It Depends! 

It depends on your goals during the lockdown

  • It could be time for performance to take a back seat

  • It’s a good time to focus on health, fitness and looking good

  • It’s a great time to work on the things you have been putting off (mobility, cardio)

It depends on the intensity of the exercise you are doing

  • Too much high intensity will lead to injury and burnout

  • Progress from where you are now, not where you wish you were

  • Sprinkle intensity on when you need it, not every day

  • If you are an experienced exerciser, this is where you want to undulate (vary) intensity

  • The same is true if you are new to fitness, don’t increase your exercise by 500%

  • Other stressors (lockdown, isolation) will affect your ability to adapt to more intensity

It depends on your access to Equipment and ability to vary your movements

  • Variation in both intensity and movements will help to reduce overuse

  • Doing the same pattern, in the same way, is likely to lead to overuse issues

It is all about finding the middle ground

The Goldilocks Rule:

Too little activity (leading to weight gain) <——> Just Right (the body gets challenged, but adapts) <——> Too much or too little variation (leading to overuse issues)


Get outside and move.

  • Our bodies get Vitamin D so get exposure by getting outside. Vitamin D helps regulate our body clock. (This is VERY important for health and body composition)

  • It gives you a change in the location which can be helpful for our mental health

How much exercise should I be doing?

  • Anywhere between 3-6 days per week. A lower number of sessions can have a higher intensity. A higher number of sessions should have a lower intensity.

  • 20-40 minute sessions, this makes exercising more, more likely

  • Vary the movement patterns, this will keep things fun and reduce injury

Let recovery and enjoyment guide the quantity

  • If you are feeling fatigued, frustrated or things are starting to hurt. Consider dropping the intensity or the frequency of your exercise

We are more than just a physical location and have been coaching people remotely on-line for over 7 years. If you would like to book a 20 minute discovery call to find out how we can help you then click the button below as book a time.

Danny Harris