Even just surfing online for “personal trainers near me” or “personal training in Bristol” shows intent and is a positive step towards changing where you are now and where you want to be.
Congratulations on making the first step towards your goal!
We have quite a range of private clients and the reasons why they come to us is always interesting as well as inspiring. Some reasons are straight forward, like I want to lose weight and get fitter and others are completely off the wall.
We don’t care, your goal is our goal.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, increase strength, improve technique or preparing for an event, a more personal setting with an individually designed program equates to faster results.
Personal training at OPEX Bristol is an effective and efficient way to achieve your fitness goals.
If you haven't exercised for 6 months or more and want to kick start your fitness
If you have previous injury or are at risk of injury and want to ensure you have the right program for your needs
You want even faster results to achieve your goals
At OPEX Bristol, we feel that short term personal training has diminishing returns for your money. Any good personal trainer should be looking to keep their members for the long term, building a quality relationship and helping them achieve the best possible results. A good personal trainer should also teach you movements to the point you don’t need so much 1:1 attention. So you truly understand it and are confident in your abilities. So you don’t need a babysitter and a rep counter.
This is why we have taken a different approach to personal training.
Our approach is to build a community whilst keeping the benefits that come from personal training in our private gym in Bristol.
You will be working out in a small group with other members and a floor coach, but with your own individualised program and training plan.
Find out more below:
Let’s say a member, we’ll call them Dave, signs up to a 3x per week package with a personal trainer at £40 per session. £480.00 per month and £55.00 per month for use of the gym. Which is great, Dave will get lots of much needed attention, motivation and accountability (and a pool/sauna). But after 3 months, does he still need that level of attention?
If we look at a standard hour of training. The first 10 minutes will likely start as a warm up. After 3 months of being coached, Dave knows how to use a foam roller, he knows how to go through his dynamic warm up. So they have a chat instead, a bit of small talk. Next comes the first exercise of the day, a Deadlift. Dave is quite confident with this and is happy to load up to his first lift after a few pointers and reminder of his set/rep/weight scheme. 15 minutes and a few sets in, he does start to fatigue and let’s his form slip. Dave’s personal trainer jumps in with help to get him back into proper form and finish the last set.
25 minutes deep and there hasn’t been much to coach. It’s an expensive bit of small talk with a few coaching cues! Now that’s not belittling the personal trainer, it is just truth. He taught Dave well! He just simply doesn’t need a personal trainer with 1:1 for this part of his workout.
At OPEX Bristol, Dave would be working out in a small group with other members. The personal trainer is coaching at all times within the hour session but can now focus on what everyone genuinely needs. Dave might move onto push-ups after his deadlifts and he sucks at them! (his words not mine) So the personal trainer will now engage and focus with him for 10 minutes on this, not small talk their way through an expensive warm up.
But along with that on the floor coaching Dave still has his own dedicated personal trainer who he knows is there, looking at the big picture, checking his workouts every week for progress and who he speaks to every month to get personal lifestyle and nutrition guidance.
Because of this small group setting members don’t need to pay £525.00 p/m to be coached at the gym 3 times per week. Our membership is less than half of that including access to our bespoke & private gym in Bristol and unlimited sessions with our personal trainers.
This comparison is assuming you’re lucky enough to find a good personal trainer that actually gets you the results you want. In our experience over the years you need the right foundations to genuinely reach your maximum potential.
Not having the kit available or having crazy busy times at a gym sucks. Our Bristol private gym is purpose built and will not have more than 8 people working out at a time.
OPEX has a saying “Assess, don’t guess.” Whatever your goal is we need to measure where you’re at now and continually assess to make sure you get their. We go deep on assessment! Body Fat %, muscle mass, weight, hydration, visceral fat, strength, mobility, stability, aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, power, speed... The list goes on. If your goal is related to it, we’ll test it continually through your time here. No personal trainer will shy away from testing, we’re confident in the results.
The fitness industry is hardly regulated and is full of low quality personal trainers. We spend £1,000’s each year on coach education and have 1000’s of hours experience.
If you dread going to the gym or just find it boring, you’ll never make it part of your lifestyle. The trainers and fellow members keep it fun. You’ll get to know your classmates pretty quickly and we also arrange social nights. What better way to get to know everyone than embarrass yourself after a few proseccos! (or let the coaches do that)
You’ll get legitimate nutritional coaching. This is the key to weight loss and will be instrumental in any weight gain and bulking. If you want to change your body composition, this is the place to start!
Every month you’ll sit down with your personal trainer to discuss how it’s all going. Here we have honest conversations about nutrition, lifestyle, sleep, stress, etc.. How can you expect to get life changing results when your lifestyle doesn’t support it? You might like the idea of “6 week abs” but what happens at week 12? You’ve put it all back on again. Don’t be fooled by the “reach your goals faster” marketing ploy.
You’ll be assigned your personal trainer who will take care of you and your program. Behind the scenes they will keep you accountable and help guide you through it all.
After your assessments and consultation your personal trainer will map out what the next 12 months might look for you. Then each month refine that program and plan the specifics. This style of properly periodised training program will be part of why you get the best results you’ve ever had and it will also help keep you injury free! Unfortunate to say but if you asked most personal trainers, they haven’t even planned their members next week let alone the whole year. This is a fitness experience that will look to your long term health.
Yes you want to hit your goals and get fit, but what will it cost me and can I afford it? Before we answer that we want you to really think about what a personal trainer is…
In the business world, we employ expert consultants and mentors everyday to help grow our personal profile and our businesses. A personal trainer is not so different, you make an investment in us and we work towards improving your health and fitness with systems and processes.
Think of us as your mentor.
We may be biased, but we think our OPEX Bristol team are amongst the best personal trainers in Bristol.
In Bristol, personal training sessions can cost up to £200 an hour however our Individualised Coaching Membership includes so much more for less.
Remember this, you will always work harder and push yourself further when someone is pushing you. If you are held accountable to someone, you will deliver.
Let’s do this
We are here and ready when you are.
The rest is up to you
How Adeline reduced stress and rediscovered her love of fitness
Adeline had lost all motivation to come to the gym due to experiencing long hours in the office. Everyday she used to argument with herself about going to the gym. That was until she started working with OPEX Bristol Personal Trainer and owner James Grogan. Now she uses the gym to de-stress from work, create more balance and feel happier.
It’s unfortunate that we hear a similar story from a number of our clients. High levels of stress, a lack of motivation, low energy levels have resulted in them not knowing where to turn to rediscover their love of fitness.
That's why we want to share with you how Adeline changed things for the better.
“I’m motivated to come here because I know once I’ve done my session I’m then de-stressed from work and just feel much happier.”
Adeline started working with Head Coach and personal trainer, James Grogan, over 12 months ago.
Adeline said: “When I first started training with OPEX Bristol I was going through a very tough time in work, working very long hours, and I’d lost all motivation.
Whenever I left work, I used to have an argument in my head about whether I was going to go to the gym or not, but now I don’t have that argument anymore.”
When working with OPEX Bristol everything starts with an assessment. Here's what James says:
“Every client that we work with at OPEX Bristol begins with a three session assessment. Throughout these sessions we really try to understand what drives our clients both physically and mentally. Adeline clearly had a love of fitness and understood its benefits but a few injuries, work stresses a lack of alignment were really stopping her from coming to the gym."
After understanding Adeline’s goals and priorities James created a fully personalised fitness, nutrition and lifestyle plan.
Adeline trained four times per week for a maximum of 60 minutes each session. Her session combined using weights for resistance work and easy interval training.
Adeline also worked with James to create more alignment between her goals and priorities so she felt as though she was moving towards something worth while.
When we started work on Adeline’s program, we realised that her previous training was actually creating anxiety around sessions and not improving her fitness. Also, her nutrition habits were not supporting the change that she was looking for.
“I’d recommend OPEX Bristol because the program is tailored and structured to you and built around your needs”
Adeline has gone from strength to strength since working with us and we are really excited to see what the future has in store for her.
She says “I’m motivated to come here because I know once I’ve done my session I’m then de-stressed from work and just feel much happier.”
Adeline is just one of many clients that have been helped by us to live a larger life through our personal training service
So if you would like to lose weight, feel better, reduce stress and find a love for fitness, then come visit us for a free gym tour.
HOW Harriet changed her life working with a personal trainer
It's unfortunate, that the majority of people that we work with have been in exactly the same situation as Harriet. More often than not we hear the same things; "I've been dieting on/off for 4 or 5 years", "I've struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle" and "I've been inconsistent with exercise".
That's why we want to share with you how Harriet changed things for the better.
"It has quite literally changed my life, I am a completely different person"
Harriet started working with Head Coach Danny Harris in early 2018.
Harriet said "I have tried so many different fitness programs, diet fads and training regimes. I'm so frustrated as I know there is so much more I can do but really needed direction and help. But with Danny's knowledge and expertise, I immediately knew I was in good hands"
Working with OPEX Bristol everything starts with a consultation. Here's what Danny says: "Harriet and I dug deep into not only her goals, but also the why behind her goals. We realised that her drive to lose pounds on the scale came down to a negative self image. After challenging the root of this self perception we agreed that the true goal was to walk down the beach in Thailand as a scuba instructor (in 9 months), feeling independent, confident and happy! So through exercise, nutrition, life coaching and supplementation we started work on just that."
"It's having that support as I go through, if somethings not quite working we can change things, everything is completely personalised to me!"
After understanding Harriet's goals and priorities Danny created a fully personalised fitness, nutrition and lifestyle plan for Harriet.
She worked with Danny to make some big changes to her nutrition, including increasing her intake of fat.
When we started work on Harriet's lifestyle, we realised that her sleep duration and quality was not supporting her training, her fat loss or her daily mood. We worked on her routines before and after bed time which dramatically improved her sleep.
Harriet has achieved such great results in such a short period of time and there is so much more to come.
She says: "I feel so much more confident in my self and I can't wait to get on the beach in Thailand"
Harriet is just one of many clients that have been helped by us to live a larger life through personal training. To see more of our success stories check out our testimonials.
In today’s Coaches Conversation we discuss whether pre/post workout nutrition is important and does it get you results?